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Cupping Massage

Practised in China as an integral part of Chinese Medicine for the past 5000 years, Cupping Massage is used to soften tight muscles, tone attachments, loosen adhesions, bring hydration and blood flow to the tissues of the body, and drain excess fluid and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways. By creating suction and negative pressure, Cupping Massage brings localised blood supply to the area being worked on thus bringing nourishment and allowing for toxins to be released. Large cups are used for broad areas such as the back where the strong suction will mimic the rolling action of Deep Tissue Massage. The skin will turn red with the strong suction indicating that circulation has been brought to the surface of the skin. Stationary cupping may also be used where the cups remain affixed to a specific area for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the condition being treated.

Book An Appointment

To book an appointment with one of our massage therapists phone Dublin 016111444 or use the contact form

Cupping Massage Benefits

Cupping Massage is beneficial for many ailments: Chronic muscle pain and stiffness, the common cold, high blood pressure, anxiety, headaches, fibromyalgia, and cellulite and works with the body by:

  • Releasing rigid soft tissue
  • Drains excess fluid and toxins
  • Lifts connective tissue
  • Increases blood flow to skin and muscles
  • Activates stagnate Qi

Treatment Prices

u003csvg aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022 focusable=u0022falseu0022 data-prefix=u0022faru0022 data-icon=u0022check-circleu0022 class=u0022svg-inlineu002du002dfa fa-check-circle fa-w-16u0022 role=u0022imgu0022 xmlns=u0022http://www.w3.org/2000/svgu0022 viewBox=u00220 0 512 512u0022u003eu003cpath fill=u0022currentColoru0022 d=u0022M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 48c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m140.204 130.267l-22.536-22.718c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L215.346 303.697l-59.792-60.277c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.069l-22.719 22.536c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.971l90.781 91.516c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l172.589-171.204c4.704-4.668 4.734-12.266.067-16.971zu0022u003eu003c/pathu003eu003c/svgu003e
  • 45 Minutes – €69
  •  60 Minutes – €85
  • 90 Minutes – €110

Please click here to view our T&Cs
To ensure you are suitable for this treatment, read the contraindications here

The therapeutic applications of Cupping massage have been documented through several thousand years of clinical experience. Cupping Massage intensifies the therapeutic aspect of the traditional cupping and is a highly effective treatment. Please be advised, The Bodywise Clinic does not practice Hijama (wet cupping)

Due to the fact that Cupping Massage can leave temporary marks on the skin, similar to a bruise, we recommend not booking this treatment any less than 2 weeks before a formal event or sun holiday where the area(s) being worked on (i.e. shoulders) are going to be exposed.

To ensure this treatment is suitable for you, please read the contraindications here

The Bodywise Clinic is located on the 2nd Floor of our Dublin 2 of our Suffolk Street location. Unfortunately, there is no lift on the premises. Should you need assistance walking up/down the stairs, please notify us and one of us will be more than happy to assist you.

Please be advised that The Bodywise Clinic Dublin has a 24hr cancellation policy. Failure to cancel your appointment less than 24hrs before your scheduled appointment will incur a 100% charge. New Clients, please arrive 10mins before your appointment to allow time to fill out our Consultation Form. Please be also aware that late arrivals will be charged the full amount for their scheduled appointment duration. Our busy therapists have an obligation to start the next appointment on time. We appreciate your cooperation with regards to the above. The Bodywise Team

Bodywise Clinic Christmas Hours 2024