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Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage can be especially helpful for individuals who prefer a lot of pressure used during a massage. The purpose of Deep Tissue Massage is to “unstick” the glued fibres of a muscle while releasing the build-up of tension, and eliminate toxins while relaxing and soothing the muscle itself. Why not visit our clinic in Dublin’s city centre and experience the city’s best deep tissue massage therapy in beautiful, calming settings.

Relieves pain and muscle cramping. Increases mobility and heals muscle tissues.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective therapeutic massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers and aims to release tension in the body. The effective therapy will noticeably loosen muscles, alleviate pain and increase mobility. It is both corrective and therapeutic.

Treatment Prices

u003csvg aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022 focusable=u0022falseu0022 data-prefix=u0022faru0022 data-icon=u0022check-circleu0022 class=u0022svg-inlineu002du002dfa fa-check-circle fa-w-16u0022 role=u0022imgu0022 xmlns=u0022http://www.w3.org/2000/svgu0022 viewBox=u00220 0 512 512u0022u003eu003cpath fill=u0022currentColoru0022 d=u0022M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 48c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m140.204 130.267l-22.536-22.718c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L215.346 303.697l-59.792-60.277c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.069l-22.719 22.536c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.971l90.781 91.516c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l172.589-171.204c4.704-4.668 4.734-12.266.067-16.971zu0022u003eu003c/pathu003eu003c/svgu003e
  • 45 Minutes – €69
  •  60 Minutes – €85
  • 90 Minutes – €110

Please click here to view our T&Cs
To ensure you are suitable for this treatment, read the contraindications here

Deep Tissue Massage at the Bodywise Clinic Dublin

Benefits Of Deep Tissue Massage

  • Loosens muscles and eliminates blockages that cause tightness and muscle pain.
  • Relieves pain, cramping, increases mobility and heals muscle tissues.
  • Reduces discomfort and reduced mobility from muscle tension.
  • Improves sporting performance breaking up scar tissue, which when left untreated, can slow recovery from injury.
  • Deep tissue is effective in treating back pain, including sciatica.
  • Can help reduce stress and anxiety thanks to the calming effect of the hands-on pressure.

Conditions That Deep Tissue Massage Treats

  • Sciatica
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Poor posture including conditions like “text neck”
  • Mobility restrictions
  • Back pain (especially low back pain)
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
  • Osteoarthritic pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Deep tissue therapeutic leg massage

What to Expect

Deep tissue strokes do not use as much force as therapies such as Swedish Massage. Your therapist will apply gentle strokes at first. This helps warm up the tissue and prepares the body for deep work using knuckles, elbows, and fingertips.

Some clients experience soreness or stiffness after massage therapy but this is quite safe. The more frequently you are treated by a therapist the less you will experience muscular soreness afterwards.

Deep tissue is not considered a relaxation massage therapy although some people find it offers a relaxing feeling (especially for those that get regular treatments).

The Bodywise Clinic prides itself on being an equal opportunities employer, hiring both male and female Massage Therapists, both of which are trained to the absolute highest professional standard. Your appointment may be with a male or female Massage Therapist, depending on availability. 


To book an appointment with one of our massage therapists phone Dublin 016111444 or use the contact form

Where to Find Us

We’re located in the heart of Dublin City Centre, on Suffolk Street, near Grafton Street. We look forward to helping you.

massage therapy Tripadvisor review Dublin
Bodywise clinic deep tissue massage review Google

Amazing! I had deep tissue massage on 25th August….one of the best I’ve ever had! Amazing massage & really lovely girl. So impressed that I have booked next one! Would highly recommend!



PosiMichelle (via TripAdvisor)

I went to the Bodywise Clinic for a deep tissue massage. I had been exercising and not stretching enough. After my session with Patricia the tension in my muscles was gone and I felt much better. I would highly recommend the deep tissue massages and am already planning my next visit.

Lotta Mikkonen

Lotta Mikkonen

(via Google Reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the side effects of a deep tissue massage?

Depending on the condition of the muscle(s) being treated, deep tissue massage can cause mild discomfort or soreness.  This is perfectly normal and usually subsides after a few days of rest and by correctly applying a heat pack to the sore area. 

Is deep tissue massage good for you?

Although the massage pressure is tailored to each person, deep tissue treatment is effective in reducing muscle pain and muscle stiffness for the majority of people.

How often should you get a massage?

For acute muscle injuries, 3-6 sessions a week is optimal. As part of general muscular and health maintenance, weekly treatments or monthly massages are effective.

What can I expect from a deep tissue treatments?

Despite the fact that Deep Tissue Massage uses more pressure than other types of massage, the majority of people experience sensations of relaxation immediately following their treatment. Most people feel a sense of loosening of the muscles and a reduction in tension.

What should you wear to a massage?

You do not have to wear anything specific. You will be required to disrobe down to your undergarments. Your Therapist will cover you with a large clean towel and uncover the areas being worked on. 

What should I do before my appointment?

There is nothing specific you will be required to do before a Deep Tissue Massage.  However, you may be refused treatment if you are under the influence of alcohol/ drugs or have any contraindications to Massage.

Why do I have so many knots in my back?

This generally has to do with environmental factors. The main reasons why people have ‘knots’ in their back, or muscle tension is to due with sitting at a desk all day, stress, not stretching enough and excessive exercise.

How long should you wait between deep tissue massages?

The usual amount of time required between sessions is about a week. This allows the muscles time to benefit and heal. However, assuming there are no contraindications present, some people enjoy daily massages while on vacation. 

What is included in a deep tissue massage?

Therapists always start out using very light pressure to warm up the muscles. The pressure (tailored specifically to each individual) is then applied to the deeper layer of muscles along with techniques that release trigger points within the muscles. 

Are deep tissue massages dangerous?

Not in the hands of a professional with recognised qualifications. However, like any form of bodywork, it is essential that your therapist is fully qualified to practice the treatment. 

Should I stretch before a massage?

Stretching is not necessary. However, some people stretch to help their muscles relax for the start of the session.

Are muscle knots dangerous?

Muscle knots are a signal from your body that your muscles are overworked. Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as stress, muscle injuries and poor posture contribute to knots. It is the root cause of the knots that can be deemed dangerous, not the knots themselves. 

The Bodywise Clinic is located on the 2nd Floor of our Dublin 2 of our Suffolk Street location. Unfortunately, there is no lift on the premises. Should you need assistance walking up/down the stairs, please notify us and one of us will be more than happy to assist you.

Please be advised that The Bodywise Clinic Dublin has a 24hr cancellation policy. Failure to cancel your appointment less than 24hrs before your scheduled appointment will incur a 100% charge. New Clients, please arrive 10mins before your appointment to allow time to fill out our Consultation Form. Please be also aware that late arrivals will be charged the full amount for their scheduled appointment duration. Our busy therapists have an obligation to start the next appointment on time. We appreciate your cooperation with regards to the above. The Bodywise Team

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